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Horizon Organic

Unlocking Distribution and Opportunity Across Winning Brands to Win with the Walmart Customer

Horizon Organic used Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior and Channel Performance APIs to investigate the potential power of matching the distribution footprint of two products across stores to increase value by leveraging a fast-growing brand with loyal customers.

Speaker for Horizon Organic, Barbara Tingle
About the Speaker
Barbara Tingle is a category, strategy, and commercialization leader with over a decade of category management and sales leadership experience. Her career is known for elevating thought leadership where her specialties include custom research as well as developing and implementing category growth strategies that are rooted in consumer and shopper insights. One of her notable career highlights was developing the dairy space and adjacency optimization playbook, which drove growth for retailers nationwide.
Speaker for Horizon Organic, Brian Dixon
About the Speaker
Brian Dixon is the Sales Director, Team Lead for Walmart at Horizon Organic Dairy. He has 25 years of experience in the consumer packaged goods industry and has spent the last five years working on and leading the sales and in-store retail execution for Horizon Organic Dairy at Walmart.