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Case study: Hygiene on the go

Pinpoint the right space for success with intuitive product research analysis help from Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior

Successfully positioning products for new customer segments can be tricky. One supplier used Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior to make it simple.

The opportunity

A supplier leveraged Walmart Luminate Shopper Behavior to:

  • Support the expansion of an upmarket hygiene product line that boasts high customer retention and acquisition
  • Prove the case for more shelf space by identifying which customer segments to focus on for the highest product incrementality

The insights

Using the Switching, Trial and Repeat, Assortment Deep Dive, Best Customers, and Source of Value reports, they uncovered:

  • Over 2/3 of gains* were from new-to-category customers
  • Most customers were not price-sensitive and customers who tried the product tended to stay loyal
  • The “travel” size option showed higher projected incrementality and trial behavior* when placed on hygiene shelves instead of travel

The result

The supplier used these insights to determine product launch placement:

  • Launching exclusively in the hygiene aisle—instead of the travel aisle—was the best decision to drive customer adoption


*Walmart Luminate first-party data: Q3, FY ‘23
