Kraft Heinz: Mac is Back!
How a deep dive in Scintilla led to a more customer-centric Mac & Cheese aisle
Prior to a line review, the team at Kraft Heinz wanted to better understand the category. To do this they ran the Scintilla Shopper Behavior Assortment Deep Dive and Customer Priority reports. What they found was surprising: The current modular setup did not align with the Customer Decision Tree.

Seeing this as a new opportunity to reorganize the shelf to better reflect Walmart shopper preferences, they began a further analysis that led to the creation of specific shopping destinations within the mod that aligned to specific customer behaviors. Those updates were then recommended to their Merchant, who agreed.
For further insights into how Kraft Heinz analyzed this data to create a more customer-centric approach, and to see the results of their recommendations, read their case study now!
Proprietary First-Party Data, Scintilla 2024.