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Insights Activation Icon Insights Activation
Discover new opportunities to help grow your business at Walmart. Scintilla Insights Activation for Walmart Connect lets you seamlessly apply Scintilla insights to inform and optimize Walmart Display campaigns using a self-serve, automated solution.

Uncover new opportunities

Insights Activation automatically extracts shopping behavior and purchasing pattern insights from Scintilla to generate business-critical media activation opportunities.

Evolve with your customer

Stay in sync with distinct shopper profiles, from loyalists to switchers to trialists. Harvest the insights you need to engage or reengage different groups.

Save time and resources

Eliminate manual data analysis efforts required to extract relevant insights and opportunities – Insights Activation identifies new opportunities and creates associated target audiences for you.

Never miss another opportunity

Insights Activation identifies new media activation opportunities based on recent shopping behaviors, which you can save to the Walmart Connect Ad Center to help you grow your business at Walmart.

Featured resources

In the spotlight:

Ebook: Answers with impact: How Scintilla Shopper Behavior reports deliver a new breadth & depth of shopper data

With 17+ reports delivering crucial metrics and key insights, Shopper Behavior is the key to understanding the profiles and behaviors of your category and brand shoppers.
