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Case Study: Branching out

What happens when one product changes the way customers shop for everything in the basket? See how one Merchant observed Walmart customer buying behaviors to better align with seasonal shopping journeys

What’s in the basket?

While reviewing opportunities for holiday 2022, a Walmart seasonal Merchant discovered that fewer Christmas tree customers than expected cross-shopped with Christmas accessories in 2021. This customer buying behavior illuminated a potential opportunity to drive attachment rates within the seasonal aisle.

Christmas trees were often being bought alone. When other products made it into the basket. What were they?

Defining the mission

The Shopper Behavior Basket and Cross-shop Reports revealed that 90%* of the top items in the basket with the tree were Christmas-oriented. Ornaments were by far the most prevalent product group (20%*), with ornament hooks and tree toppers following.

Armed with these insights, the Merchant made plans to build “mission-oriented” modulars and online product pages to put often included items closer at hand for tree buyers.
